About us

Radio RDS audio interview

The interview with our CEO, Alessandro Franzese, on RDS 100% great successes

Source: Radio RDS
article from the Modena gazette

Carpi, The Paac launches a wardrobe of 100 "rented" clothes with no obligation to purchase

Source: Gazzetta di Modena

Alessandro Franzese's idea: «Every two weeks the customer chooses 4 items that she can use and change after 15 days» ...

Confindustria Emilia article

The Paac, from Carpi a revolution for the women's wardrobe

Source: Confindustria Emilia

It's a classic: you wake up in the morning and, when you're ready to go get dressed, you open the wardrobe and think "I have nothing to wear!". According to the British Times reporter ...

fashionmagazine.it article

Carpi: The Paac, a fashion rental project

Source: voce.it

The "virtual wardrobe" project of the Carpi start-up The Paac is a sort of fashion leasing. It is a method that allows you to have ...

Confindustria Emilia article

The Paac, the start-up that manages the women's wardrobe

Source: Confindustria Emilia

Pick, Paac, Repeat. Subscribe to fashion: the philosophy of The Paac, a startup incubated by the Upidea program, is condensed in this synthetic and original claim!.

fashionmagazine.it article

The Paac will be presented on Wednesday 2 October at Carpi.

Source: Fashionmagazine.it

A meeting with Alessandro Franzese, creator and CEO of The Paac, to show companies the possible ways to develop their business ...

Carpi Fashion System articles

The Paac: On October 2nd the presentation of the Online Shopping project

Source: Carpi Fashion System

A free event for companies in the Carpi Fashion District to learn about the possible ways to develop their business on the web...

Il Sole 24 Ore article

The fashion district of Carpi focuses on artificial intelligence

Source: Il Sole24 Ore

The Paac is the name of the new e-commerce platform with which creations of selected district companies can be received at home thanks to a ...

Il Resto del Carlino article

Garments for rent. And the shopping assistant is an algorithm

Source: Il Resto del Carlino

When he saw his girlfriend exclaim, in front of a wardrobe packed with garments, "I have nothing to wear", 27-year-old Alessandro Franzese from Carpi ...

Smiling Schic article

The Paac: Brilliant Startup that will revolutionize shopping

Source: Smiling Schic

The shopping revolution is upon us. I'll tell you all the details in the preview. I think what I'm about to announce is one of the most exciting news ...